Todd Olszewski
Associate Professor
Contact Information:
Mondor Center for Nursing & Health Sciences 149
Ph.D. - Yale University
Brief Biography:
Dr. Todd Olszewski joined the PC faculty in 2011. He was previously a Stetten Fellow in the History of the Biomedical Sciences at the National Institutes of Health. He is a historian of medicine whose research interests include the history of the biomedical sciences and health policy.
Area(s) of Expertise:
History of medicine; biomedical research and health policy
Selected Publications:
Hackey, R. Olszewski, T. (2021) Today's Health Care Issues: Democrats and Republicans. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO
Olszewski, T. (2019) “Bringing the IRB into the Classroom: Promoting Research and Professional Socialization in Undergraduate Education.". Journal on Excellence in College Teaching .(30), 161-177.
Olszewski, T. (2018) "James Herrick (1861-1954): Consultant Physician and Cardiologist". Journal of Medical Biography.(26), 132-6.
Olszewski, T. (2018) "Between Bench and Bedside: Building Clinical Consensus at the NIH, 1977-2013". Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences.
Olszewski, T. (2018) "Lost in Translation: Linking Biomedical Research and Clinical Practice at the National Institutes of Health, 1977 to 2013". Annals of Internal Medicine.(168), 431-5.
Olszewski, T. (2017) "Practicing Medicine in 1917 Rhode Island". Rhode Island Medical Journal.(100), 65-9.
Olszewski, T. Waldron, D. Hackey, R. (2017) "Scholars in Training: Moving From Student Engagement to Student Empowerment". Currents in Teaching and Learning.(9), 17-25.
Olszewski, T. Hackey, R. Waldron, D. (2015) New Hampshire: Baseline Report. Albany, NY: Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government, State University of New York
Olszewski, T. (2014) "The Causal Conundrum: The Diet-Heart Debates and the Management of Uncertainty in American Medicine". Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences.(70), 218-49.
Selected Presentations:
Olszewski, T. Global Knowledge, Global Legitimacy? Transatlantic Biomedicine Since 1970. German Historical Institute, - "“Not Your Father’s NIH: Biomedical Research Politics and Strategic Planning at the U.S. National Institutes of Health.”" , 2019
Olszewski, T. American Association for the History of Medicine Annual Meeting. AAHM, Los Angeles, CA - "Bridging the Gap: Biomedical Research and Clinical Consensus at the NIH, 1977-2013" May, 2018
Olszewski, T. . MCPHS University, Boston, MA - "NIH Consensus Conferences: Courting Controversy and Changing Clinical Medicine, 1977-2013." April, 2017
Hackey, R. Olszewski, T. Innovations in Health Law and Policy: Regulatory Challenges and Strategies for Change.. University of New Hampshire School of Law and the Institute for Health Policy and Practice, Concord, NH - "New Hampshire’s “Wait and See” Approach To Implementing the ACA" October, 2015
Olszewski, T. Hackey, R. Waldron, D. Northeast Political Science Association Annual Meeting. NEPSA, New Haven, CT - "Live Free and Reform: Implementing the Affordable Care Act in New Hampshire" April, 2015
Olszewski, T. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. APHA, Boston, MA - "Cardiovascular Epidemiology and the Rise of the Heart Healthy Diet" November, 2013
Olszewski, T. The Guffey Lecture in the History of Medicine, University of Kansas Medical Center. University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS - "Cholesterol, Risk, and the Politics, of Science" April, 2013
Olszewski, T. Health Activism in the Twentieth Century: A History of Medicine Symposium. Yale University, New Haven, CT - "An Uneasy Marriage: Health Activism, the NIH, and the Politics of Biomedical Research" October, 2010
Detailed CV