Robert Hackey
Contact Information:
401.865 .2453
Mondor Center for Nursing & Health Sciences 125
Ph.D. - Political Science Brown University
Brief Biography:
Bob Hackey is a professor of health sciences at Providence College. In 2008, Bob was named as the Carnegie/CASE Professor of the Year for Rhode Island. He has published widely on state and national health care reform for more than three decades. He teaches courses on policy analysis, the practice of medicine, and the department's field experience internship seminar. His most recent book is Today’s Health Care Issues: Democrats and Republicans (ABC-CLIO, 2021), co-edited with Todd Olszewski.
Area(s) of Expertise:
Health care staffing regulations, state and national health Care Reform, hospital mergers and regulation, health care in popular culture, experiential learning
Selected Publications:
Hackey, R. Olszewski, T. (2021) Today's Health Care Issues: Democrats and Republicans. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO
Hackey, R. (2018) Introduction: Four Decades of PAs in Rhode Island. Rhode Island Medical Journal.(101), 14-16.
Hackey, R. Grasso, V. LaRochelle, M. Seaver, K. (2018) Rethinking the Shortage of Primary Care Physicians. Journal of the American Academy of PAs.(31), 47-50.
Olszewski, T. Waldron, D. Hackey, R. (2017) "Scholars in Training: Moving From Student Engagement to Student Empowerment". Currents in Teaching and Learning.(9), 17-25.
Hackey, R. May, E. Guilbeault, S. (2016) Making the Grade: Evaluating the Performance of State Health Insurance Marketplaces. Providence. RI: The Collaborative
Hackey, R. May, E. (2015) Measuring the Performance of Health Insurance Marketplaces. Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).(314), 667-68.
Hackey, R. (2015) Folk Healers and Medical Miracles: Images of Health and Health Care in the Hunger Games. Journal of Popular Culture.(48), 776-788.
Olszewski, T. Hackey, R. Waldron, D. (2015) New Hampshire: Baseline Report. Albany, NY: Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government, State University of New York
Caprio, M. Hackey, R. (2014) If You Build It, They Will Come’: Strategies for Developing an Undergraduate Research Conference. The Journal of Health Administration Education.(31), 247-266.
Hackey, R. (2012) Cries of Crisis: Rethinking the Health Care Debate. Reno, NV: University of Nevada Press
Selected Presentations:
Hackey, R. McLeod, E. Noack, J. Seaver, G. Northeastern Political Science Association. Northeastern Political Science Association, Boston, MA - "Protecting the Vulnerable: The Importance of Hospital Community Benefits in Evaluating Hospital Mergers" November, 2021
Hackey, R. Popular Culture Association of the South Annual Meeting. Popular Culture Association of the South, New Orleans, LA - "Into the Woods: The Environment of the Hunger Games" October, 2018
Hackey, R. Olszewski, T. Innovations in Health Law and Policy: Regulatory Challenges and Strategies for Change.. University of New Hampshire School of Law and the Institute for Health Policy and Practice, Concord, NH - "New Hampshire’s “Wait and See” Approach To Implementing the ACA" October, 2015
Olszewski, T. Hackey, R. Waldron, D. Northeast Political Science Association Annual Meeting. NEPSA, New Haven, CT - "Live Free and Reform: Implementing the Affordable Care Act in New Hampshire" April, 2015
Hackey, R. New York State Political Science Association. , New York, NY - "Paper: The Shortage of Primary Care Physicians: Crisis or Chronic Condition?" April, 2014
Hackey, R. New York State Political Science Association. , New York, NY - "Session: Student Research Panel" April, 2014
Hackey, R. Northeast Popular Culture Association. , Colchester, VT - "Session: Politics, Civic Life, and Popular Culture: Critical Perspectives on Politics and the Mass Media" October, 2013
Hackey, R. Annual Meeting of the Northeast Popular Culture Association. , Colchester, VT - "Folk Healers and Medical Miracles: Health Care in the Hunger Games" October, 2013
Hackey, R. Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association. , Boston, MA - "Paper: The Myth of a Health Care Crisis in America: Rethinking the Rhetoric of Health Care Reform" April, 2012
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