Faculty Research
Department of Health Sciences
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm
Mondor Center – First Floor
- Dr. Tuba Agartan‘s article, “Marketization and Universalism: Crafting the Right Balance in the Turkish Healthcare System” appeared in a special issue of Current Sociology on health policy in 2012.
- Dr. Robert Hackey has been named a Pell Center Fellow for the Spring 2014 semester. The Pell Center for International Relations and Public Policy at Salve Regina University is a multidisciplinary research center focused at the intersection of politics, policies and ideas. Dedicated to honoring Sen. Claiborne Pell’s legacy, the center promotes American engagement in the world, effective government at home and civic participation by all Americans.
- Hackey’s new book, Cries of Crisis: Rethinking the Health Care Debate, was selected as a “reviewer’s choice” by the Midwest Book Review.
- Hackey also has been a frequent contributor, recently, to a number a Rhode Island-based media outlets.
- Hackey also has been interviewed several times by Providence-based talk radio station WPRO regarding health care reform. Video can be found here.
- Dr. Jessica Mulligan studied Puerto Rico’s healthcare system in her new book, Unmanageable Care: An Ethnography of Health Care Privatization in Puerto Rico. She was also featured on the Providence College Faculty Author Series.
- Mulligan studied The Affordable Care Act’s impact on coverage, access to care, and systematic exclusion in our health care system in a new book, Unequal Coverage: The Experience of Health Care Reform in the United States.