Undergraduate Research Conference on Health and Society

Past Conference Programs

Department of Health Sciences

Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm
Mondor Center – First Floor

Save the Date: 16th Annual Conference was held on April 5, 2025.

The 15th Annual Conference was held on April 4, 2024.

See below for the Program Agenda and Panel Themes.

Images are here on our Instagram Account

2024 Program Agenda

Welcome 9:15am – 10:00am (Science 206)

Panel 1 Presentations 10:00am – 10:50am

Panel 2 Presentations 11:00am – 12:05pm

Break/Lunch 12:15am – 1:15pm

Panel 3 Presentations 1:30pm – 3:00pm

Closing 3:00pm

Panel 1: Future Wellbeing: Nurturing Health in the Next Generation 

Panel 2: Medical Racism: A History of Neglect

Panel 3: Ethics and Health Equity Within and Beyond the Clinical Experience

About the Conference

Our annual conference provides students and faculty at PC with an opportunity to experience the challenges and rewards of organizing an academic conference. Each year, PC students participate as full partners in peer-reviewing paper proposals. Students also develop hands-on experience in event planning, as student workers coordinate food, hospitality, registration, and host dozens of attendees from colleges and universities throughout the region. Since 2011, funding for this initiative has been provided through the Office of Institutional Advancement and the Canavan Family Endowment. We are deeply indebted to the Canavan family for their continued support, which fosters a lively debate about health policy and medical ethics at PC. In recent years, the conference has attracted a range of students from colleges and universities across the nation. Conference panels featured presentations by students from Providence College, Brandeis, Brown, UCLA, Connecticut College, University of Houston, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, University of New Hampshire, Sarah Lawrence, Stonehill, Tufts, and Yale. Presenters will have the opportunity to meet dozens of students with similar interests and to hear a variety of papers on historical and contemporary issues in health care.

Digital Publishing

An online repository of student presentations from past conferences can be found at the PC Library’s Digital Commons site. Papers are organized by panel topic. Each year, we will add student papers to this site, providing students with the ability to share their work with a wider audience beyond those in attendance at the conference. Presenters interested in publishing their papers online should contact the Library at: dps@providence.edu.

Traveling to Providence

Providence is easily accessible by air, rail, or car. Thanks to the generous support of the Canavan Family Fund, we are able to offer a limited number of travel stipends to presenters visiting Providence from outside of New England. If you are interested in applying for travel support, please email the conference coordinator. Click here for Maps and Directions.


All presenters will receive link to a Google Forms registration form via email. Please respond at your earliest convenience so that we can finalize panel listings. Students or faculty interested in attending the conference should email the conference coordinator to register.